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MeaTech 3D Ltd., a deep-tech food company, engages in the development of cultivated meat technologies to manufacture cultivated meat without animal slaughter. The company develops a three-dimensional bioprinter to deposit layers of differentiated stem cells, scaffolding, and cell nutrients in a three-dimensional form of structured cultured meat. It intends to license its production technology; provide associated products, such as cell lines, printheads, bioreactors, and incubators; and offer services, such as technology implementation, training, and engineering support directly and through contractors to food processing and food retail companies. The company is headquartered in Rehovot, Israel.
EPS improving
EPS improving
Packaged Foods
Next Earning date - 29 Apr 2025
Packaged Foods
Next Earning date - 29 Apr 2025
Relative Strenght
5Volume Buzz
98%Earning Acce
NoDist 52w H.